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É seguro deixar o carro na mão de manobristas?

Veja o que pode acontecer quando você deixa seu carro na mão de manobristas:

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2010 Lotus Evora

2010 Lotus Evora2010 Lotus Evora
2010 Lotus Evora2010 Lotus Evora
2010 Lotus Evora2010 Lotus Evora
2010 Lotus Evora2010 Lotus Evora
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2009 Mitsubishi i MiEV SPORT AIR

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2009 Mitsubishi i MiEV SPORT AIR2009 Mitsubishi i MiEV SPORT AIR
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BMW Série 1 M Coupe [Vídeo]

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2011 GMC Acadia Denali

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2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo

2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo
2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo
2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo
2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo2010 BMW 5-Series Gran Turismo
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Renault Sandero GT Line

Sucesso comercial e campeã de satisfação entre os consumidores, a linha Sandero ganha uma dose extra de esportividade, com o lançamento da série limitada “GT Line 1.6 16V Hi-Flex”, com 112 cv de potência. Com a chegada dessa edição especial, a Renault reforça a sua paixão pela esportividade, presente em vários modelos da empresa e no automobilismo, com a equipe Renault F1 Team.

A série limitada “Sandero GT Line” satisfaz o interesse dos clientes que procuram um veículo com visual esportivo e moderno, sem abrir mão do espaço interno e da robustez, qualidades que fazem o Sandero se destacar em relação aos concorrentes no mercado nacional. A exemplo das demais versões da gama, a “GT Line” também será comercializada com 3 anos de garantia total de fábrica.

As mudanças estéticas (internas e externas) incorporadas na série limitada “Sandero GT Line” foram concebidas pela equipe do Renault Design América Latina (RDAL), o primeiro estúdio de design da marca no continente americano. Segundo Vincent Pedretti, Designer Chefe do RDAL, a preocupação foi desenvolver um produto ao gosto dos consumidores brasileiros e com diferenciais importantes.

Um rápido passar de olhos é o suficiente para se perceber que a série limitada “GT Line” tem atributos que o diferenciam das demais versões do Sandero. A começar pelos faróis com máscara negra e pelos faróis de neblina com moldura preta, detalhes que deixaram a frente do veículo com um ar mais agressivo. Ainda na dianteira, chama a atenção o monograma estilizado com a inscrição “GT Line”, entre a grade frontal e a tampa do capô, ao lado do farol esquerdo.

Nas laterais, estão expostos adesivos esportivos, fixados na parte superior das portas, avançando sobre os pára-lamas. Os retrovisores são na cor preto brilhante, e as rodas 15 polegadas confeccionadas em liga leve, também na cor preta, têm desenho exclusivo para esta série limitada esportiva. As maçanetas, por sua vez, são na cor da carroceria. E, por falar em cor, a série limitada “Sandero GT Line” será comercializada em quatro diferentes opções: branco glacier, vermelho vivo, prata etoile e preto nacré, todas cuidadosamente pensadas para realçar a vocação esportiva do modelo.

Na traseira, o “Sandero GT Line” se diferencia pela presença do aerofólio na cor preto brilhante, pelas lanternas escurecidas e pela ponteira do escapamento cromada. Na tampa do porta-malas, vai a identificação do veículo com uma faixa com a inscrição “GT Line”.

O interior também revela a essência esportiva da série limitada “Sandero GT Line”. Os tons escuros predominam, com destaque para as partes produzidas na cor preto brilhante, que transmitem a percepção de modernidade e tecnologia. Esses componentes estão em perfeita harmonia com detalhes cromados e tons de prata - que remete à status e requinte -, além da presença da cor vermelho – o que dá uma “pitada” de esportividade -, que contribui para reforçar a esportividade deste modelo exclusivo.

Os revestimentos dos bancos foram desenvolvidos pelos profissionais do Renault Design América Latina (RDAL) exclusivamente para o “Sandero GT Line”. Mesclando um tom escuro, com costuras vermelhas, o tecido dos assentos conta ainda com desenhos em relevo, realizados por meio do processo de gravação a calor conhecido como “Embossagem” (processo já utilizado pela Renault do Brasil na série limitada Mégane “Extreme”).

Os encostos de cabeça dos bancos dianteiros possuem a inscrição “GT Line” impressa na cor vermelha, o que reforça a exclusividade dessa série limitada.

Ainda no interior, o quadro de instrumentos recebeu atenção especial, que o deixou diferente do restante da linha. O conta-giros da série limitada “Sandero GT Line”, por exemplo, teve os números mais destacados, como convém a um esportivo. Os marcadores digitais de gasolina e temperatura do líquido de arrefecimento estão num fundo escuro com as marcações em âmbar. Nas versões Authentique, Expression e Privilège, o fundo é âmbar com as marcações em preto.

Lista de itens de série da série limitada “Sandero GT Line” é ampla
Com preço sugerido de tabela de R$ 42.590,00, a série limitada “Sandero GT Line” sai de fábrica com uma extensa lista de itens de série, que integra airbags para motorista e passageiro, ar-condicionado, direção hidráulica e travas e vidros dianteiros elétricos. Além disso, o modelo conta ainda com alarme perimétrico, alarme sonoro de advertência de luzes acesas, faróis de neblina, computador de bordo e rádio CD player MP3 com comando satélite na coluna de direção. O único equipamento oferecido como opcional é o sistema de freios ABS, com preço sugerido de R$ 1.000,00.

Motor 1.6 16V Hi-Flex aposta na dobradinha eficiência e robustez
Sob o capô do “Renault Sandero GT Line”, está um motor eficiente e de concepção moderna. Trata-se do propulsor 1.6 16V Hi-Flex. Essa motorização bicombustível é reconhecida pelo mercado por conciliar ótimo desempenho com baixo consumo de combustível. A máquina atinge a potência máxima de 112 cv (álcool) e 107 cv (gasolina), a 5.750 rpm, e torque máximo de 15,5 kgfm (álcool) e 15,1 kgfm (gasolina), sendo que 90% desses valores já aparecem a 2.000 rpm, o que, na prática, significa retomadas seguras e ágeis arrancadas.

Com variedade de versões, linha Sandero é sucesso desde o lançamento
Desde que foi lançada no mercado nacional, em dezembro de 2007, mais de 118.000 unidades da linha Sandero foram comercializadas no Brasil. O Renault Sandero é reconhecido pelos consumidores como referência em termos de robustez, design, espaço interno e confiabilidade mecânica.

Texto e fotos Renault
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Supercar Imola

The another design by John Mark Vicente: the Ferrari Imola, after the sublime Bugatti Renaissance concept. According to the author, his Ferrari concept car is inspired by the Ferrari F70 created by Randy Rodriguez and the Dino Competizione by Sacha Selipanov.

the designers at Ferrari. Imola is a spider without windscreen and has a future hybrid Ferrari V6 engine. The designer used triangular and trapezoidal shapes to create the head and tail lights and the grille.

The enormous rims and semi-slick tires underline the aggressiveness of the vehicle. This supercar is ready to take on the road monsters like Ariel Atom, Caparo T1, KTM X-Bow and especially the Lotus Elise.

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2010 Noble Supercar M600 The British Sports Cars

Here is a new supercar, aimed at the top of the market sector with sensational performance. And it comes from a company with an established record for fast fine-handling cars. That sums up the Noble M600. Noble has released the first images and details of its latest supercar, new M600 supercar. The M600 - built as a purist's car - features very little in the way of Ferrari-like computer control, with the main driver-assist system being a switchable traction control, deactivated via missile-launch-like switch labeled simply 'TC'. There is no ESP, and no anti-lock brakes.Boasting generic supercar styling, the M600 is powered by a twin-turbo 4.4-liter Volvo V8. While it's odd hearing "Volvo" and "supercar" in the same sentence, the M600 is anything but Volvo-like. Packing 650 bhp, the car accelerates from 0-62 mph in 3.0 seconds, 0-100 mph in around 6.5 seconds, and tops out at 225 mph.
To keep things under control, the driver has a choice of three power levels. At the twist of a dial, outputs of 335kW, 410kW and 485kW are available. At the highest power setting, the M600 develops 820Nm of torque. A six-speed Graziano manual transmission is responsible for delivering power from the twin-turbocharged V8 to the rear wheels.The M600 designer would like to defy these features of a modern car by turning off computer-assisted controls and the like. The design of M600 is focused on the more “analogue” quality of design that uses the principle of pure engineering integrity from building the chassis up to every tiny detail a car must have. A person who is driving this car definitely deserves to be called a driver in the real sense.
Featuring fixed-rate dampers and steering, along with Alcon brakes - with iron discs and limited servo assistance for increased feedback and ease of modulation - the M600 has been developed with an almost archaic sensibilityIt was established in 1999 by Lee Noble in Barwell, Leicestershire, for producing high-speed sports cars with a rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive layout. Lee Noble was the chief designer and owner of Noble. He sold the company in August 2006. He resigned from the company in February 2008 and announced his new venture, Fenix Automotive in 2009.
Deliveries to customers are expected mid 2010. With a retail price of GBP200,000 the cost is as mind blowing as its 225 mph top speed.
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Bugatti Sports Cars Type 12-2 Concept Car

Here is a Bugatti Concept Car – Bugatti Type 12-2. Racer X has lifted the covers on a new concept vehicle they are calling the Bugatti Type 12-2 concept car which is highlighted by ample storage space and new practical designs. Bugatti is a most famous sports car manufacture, so it is just about power, speed, luxury and everything, designed especially for those who love speed, comfort and style. Bugatti Type 12-2 concept has been created as a 2+2 sports GT for the Bugatti brand. it is not intended for production. Designed as an example of a luxurious four seater GT, the type 12-2 is the artwork of Reuben Zammit. The idea is to use a VW derived W12 engine with a twin turbo layout hence the name 12-2. Although not as extravagant as the W16 used in the Veyron, there would be enough power to propel the Type 12-2 to over 200 mph.

Every time it competed with 4 different demo cars in 2 different classes for bodystyling. On the subject of performance, things get considerably more hypothetical. This being purely a design study (and not even a Bugatti-commissioned one) any power-train speculation should be taken with more than a few grains of salt. Racer X's specified FR configuration seems to eliminate the Veyron's all-wheel drive, quad-turbo W-16 configuration. Meanwhile, the name "12-2" seems to hint at a 12-cylinder mill sleeping beneath the coupe's hood. Bugatti Sports Cars Type 12-2 Concept Car Pop over to Racer X Design for more images of the Type 12-2 Streamliner concept. While you're there, check out the rest of its portfolio, which features a few wild takes on Chrysler, BMW, and Alfa Romeo vehicles.

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Lexus Sports Cars LFA N2410

Lexus and Gazoo Racing compete together at Nürburgring 24h race for the beneft of LFA and other future Toyota & Lexus products. Playing a key role in helping to finalise the development of the LFA before it enters production in December, the grueling 24h race offers Lexus and Gazoo Racing the unique opportunity to not only foster the peerless quality, durability and reliability by pushing cutting-edge technology to the extremes of mechanical endurance but also to hone the technical skills of the personnel involved in the development of future Lexus and Toyota production vehicles.
Furthermore, by participating in the 24 Hours Endurance Race Lexus and Toyota aim to showcase their dedication through Gazoo Racing to produce more emotional cars and becoming more attractive and desirable to a wider range of customers.This year’s race marks the third consecutive entry of the Lexus LFA and, signifcantly, the frst participation of the car in standard production guise.
Competing in the SP8 (‘Near production’) class, the race version of the LFA does not differ substantially from the road car, particularly with regard to construction, engine and transmission. Mandatory safety equipment has been installed and other modifcations such as a refned aero package including a fxed rear wing and a larger fuel tank are made to refect the format of the 24h race and the Nürburgring circuit.
Led by Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC)’s master test driver Hiromu Naruse, the Gazoo Racing team will make its fourth appearance at the Nürburging 24h race. It is a team comprised of engineers and technicians from TMC, and, whilst they’ve regularly come together over recent months to support the LFA in the build-up to the 24h race, their ‘day-jobs’ are within the TMC engineering community.This kind of virtual organisation ensures that the collective learning is transmitted directly back into the core of the engineering activity.
The driver line-up includes four Japanese and three German pilots with outstanding endurance and GT racing credentials, including three champions from the Japanese Super GT series. As part of the preparation of the cars and the drivers, Gazoo Racing entered the first three VLN races of 2010.Consistently fnishing in leading positions in its SP8 class, the LFA has also demonstrated its competitiveness against track-prepared specialist racing cars, with a best fnish of 17th overall in VLN2.

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2011 Ferrari Sports Cars 458 Challenge 4497 cc V8 Engine

Coming just a few months after the 2010 Frankfurt Motor Show unveiling of the Ferrari 458 Italia on which it is based, the Ferrari 458 Challenge introduces a number of important modifications to adapt it for competition use. Ferrari 458 was presented the 2010 Frankfurt Motor Show. Lately, the Ferrari 458 Challenge has made its world premiere debut in Maranello during the Annual Dealer Meeting.
With the new 458 Challenge, Ferrari is offering its sportier clients - professional and gentlemen drivers alike - a car that is extremely responsive, with great performance and superb handling. This mid-rear V8-engined berlinetta will allow Ferrari Challenge participants to enjoy to the full the exhilarating cut and thrust of the race weekends on the world's leading circuits, as well as the passion that has always been an integral part of Ferrari's one-make championship.
The Ferrari 458 Challenge introduces a number of important modifications to adapt it for competition use. This car use the direct injection 4497 cc V8 remains strictly in production tune, with an output of 570 hp at 9,000 rpm. That said, modifications have been made to the gear ratios and calibration of its dual-clutch F1 gearbox to assure gamier torque at bluer revs. The Ferrari 458 dispute are as well equipt with the E-Diff electronic differential already employed on the road-going adaptation, a 1st for Ferrari’s track-only automobiles.

For a Ferrari Challenge model is the adoption of the F1-Trac traction control system, the most sophisticated of its kind. The F1-Trac system constantly monitors levels of grip for maximum high-performance road-holding. Two specific track-biased calibrations – wet and dry – have been developed for this application.
Important work has also come in abbreviating the auto angle. This centered both the exterior and interior with Ferrari’s engineers boiling down particularly about abbreviating the thickness of the bodyshell panels and on using lightweight cloths, such carbon-fibre and Lexan.
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Mazda RX8 Wallpapers

The Mazda RX-8 is a sports car manufactured by Mazda Motor Corporation. It first appeared in 2001 at the North American International Auto Show. It is the successor to the RX-7 and, like its predecessors in the RX range, it is powered by a rotary engine. The RX-8 began North American sales in the 2004 model year.

Mazda RX8
Mazda RX8
Mazda RX8
Mazda RX8

Mazda RX8
Mazda RX8
Mazda RX8
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2010-Acura ZDX

2010-Acura ZDX2010-Acura ZDX
2010-Acura ZDX2010-Acura ZDX
2010-Acura ZDX2010-Acura ZDX
2010-Acura ZDX2010-Acura ZDX
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